Do you need to be in pain or have an injury to receive chiropractic care? Do adjustments really impact the brain? Can you have too much chiro care? What is the popping noise with some types of adjustments? Discover the answer to these questions and more.
Spinal dysfunction (or the poor motion of spinal joints) does NOT need to involve PAIN.
It may be noticed as tightness or difficulty turning one way versus another. You may notice restrictions in your motion or stiffness on waking. You may experience low energy, brain fog, muscle weakness, tingling, numbness or poor concentration.
We often hear "I've been feeling fine, so didn't feel the need to come in" as a reason for skipping or avoiding check-ups. But pain is only one indicator of dysfunction in the body. Assessing your spinal health is what Chiropractors train for at least 4 years to do. It is essential you don't wait until you're experiencing pain before getting a chiropractic check-up.
Spinal dysfunction impacts brain function!
"90% of the stimulation and nutrition of the brain is generated by the movement of the spine."
Dr Roger Sperry, Nobel prize-winning researcher.
Just like movement and physical exercise is good for your brain. So is chiropractic care.
And since your brain and nerve system controls the function of every muscle, organ and tissue in your body, improving the ability of the brain to accurately tell what is going on in and around the body is vital for good health, to prevent injury and to reduce pain.
Essentially, if your spine is not moving in a normal or ideal way it changes the way your brain controls your body.

Scientists have shown that Chiropractic adjustments can have a big impact on how well your spine moves.
Chiropractic adjustments help restore normal pattern movements in your spine, with the aim of helping your brain to better control your body.
They can also help your brain process information more quickly, know better where your body is in space, and control the way your muscles work more efficiently.
This is why reaction times, aspects of your vision, muscle strength, and brain processing can improve with chiropractic care.
Research has also shown the benefit of Chiropractic care for those suffering from: (Click the links for a video explaining some of the research).
Low back pain
Neck pain
High Blood pressure
Bedwetting (enuresis)
It can even reduce the risk of falls in the elderly and improve your golf swing!
You should only receive chiropractic care if you're in pain or have an injury.
As, you've learned above there are many benefits to chiropractic adjustments that go beyond pain relief.
This is why we recommend that even kids and babies get regular chiropractic check-ups. The birth process, falls, sports injuries, slouching watching screens and so much more impact the movement of our spinal joints.

MYTH 2 If you go to the chiropractor too often your joints will become hypermobile or move too much, or you'll have to keep going for the rest of your life. There is no research to support the concern that excessive movement of the spinal joints can occur from regular chiropractic care. Chiropractors are experts in detecting poor or aberrant spinal motion. They avoid adjusting joints that are hypermobile and are often more specific in the segments they adjust, particularly compared to other musculoskeletal therapists that use manipulation techniques. Also, it is your choice whether chiropractic care is part of your long-term health plan. Just like you can choose whether you brush your teeth or not, or get regular dental check-ups. Research suggests that chiropractic maintenance visits can reduce the number of days in pain and even the number of visits needed to the chiropractor! So by not having regular check-ups it could actually cost you more time, pain, and money in the long-run. MYTH 3 Chiropractors "crack bones" and the popping noise is bones crunching together. The popping noise with some types of adjustments is simply gas being released from the joint as it moves. No bones are being cracked. Some techniques do not involve this noise and you always have the option of another technique if you find it unnerving. There are numerous Chiropractic techniques available in our clinic, and we choose the one we feel is most suitable for you and your condition.