During the winter months, many of us find ourselves battling viruses & bacteria leading to upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), colds and flus. While these ailments are common, understanding how to differentiate between them and taking steps to enhance our immune system can make a significant difference in our health.
At Cherish Chiropractic, we believe in a holistic approach that includes chiropractic care, applied kinesiology, and functional medicine to support your immune system effectively. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding these illnesses and practical tips to boost your immune function naturally.

Understanding Colds, Flu, and URTIs - What’s the Difference?
An upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) encompasses infections in the upper airway components, such as the sinuses, nasal passages, throat, and trachea. They can be caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi/yeast.
The common cold, caused by various viruses, results in symptoms like sneezing, a runny or blocked nose, and a sore throat. The flu or COVID, caused by influenza virus or coronavirus, shares these symptoms but tends to be more severe, with additional signs such as fever, body aches, and extreme fatigue. Gastro or abdominal symptoms can also occur, such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.
Strep throat is caused by the bacteria, Streptococcus pyogenes. Other bacterial causes of URTI are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Bordetella pertussis, and Bacillus anthracis, but these are rare compared to viral infections of the upper respiratory tract.
Sinus infections tend to be fungal in origin, although they may begin as a bacterial infection.
Bacterial vs. Viral & Antibiotic Use
Distinguishing between bacterial and viral infections can be tough. Contrary to popular belief, yellow or green mucus does not necessarily indicate a bacterial infection; it’s often a sign that your immune system is actively fighting the infection.
Antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infections and should be used cautiously to avoid disrupting beneficial gut bacteria essential for a healthy immune system.
Frequent use of antibiotics without sensitivity testing to determine the most effective type can lead to antibiotic resistance. In such cases, natural antimicrobial herbs like goldenseal, berberine, oregano, olive leaf, and andrographis can be beneficial. Studies have shown that these herbs can be just as effective at killing bacteria as well as viruses and even fungi. Therefore, when you’re unsure whether you’re dealing with a bacterial or viral infection, a combination antimicrobial herb product can be particularly useful.
Top Tips to Ease and Prevent Sickness
Preventing illness and reducing symptom severity when sickness strikes is key. Here are our top tips:
1. Prioritize Sleep
Getting sufficient sleep is crucial for a strong immune system. Aim for 7.5-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep to help your body fight off infections.
2. Avoid Sugar and Alcohol

Both sugar and alcohol can inhibit white blood cells, which are vital for fighting off infections. If you’re feeling unwell, skip dessert and avoid alcohol. Additionally, if you lose your appetite, don’t force yourself to eat. Instead, opt for antimicrobial and immune-supporting foods like garlic, ginger, bone broth, mushrooms, and brightly colored vegetables.
3. Use Immune-Supporting Supplements
Certain herbs, essential oils, vitamins, and minerals can support your immune system:
Herbs and Essential Oils: Goldenseal, elderberry, andrographis, olive leaf, oregano, are excellent choices for viral infections. I tend to find berberine, goldenseal, barberry, thyme, allicin (garlic), and oregano are more effective for bacterial infections.
Vitamin C: High doses of vitamin C can reduce the duration of cold symptoms. Bioflavonoids found in vitamin C-rich foods also support immune function.
Zinc: Starting zinc within 24 hours of symptoms can shorten illness duration. Zinc chews or drops are effective options, especially for children. I have also found zinc throat sprays to be highly beneficial for those scratchy throats, particularly at the first sign of illness.
4. Stay Hydrated
Hydration is essential for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and overall cellular function. Drink water throughout the day and consider teas like chamomile, echinacea, elderberry, and peppermint if plain water doesn't take your fancy. Adding lemon and ginger to warm water can provide additional soothing immune support.

5. Embrace Fevers
A fever is your body’s natural defense mechanism. It increases interferon levels and white blood cells that kill bacteria and infected cells. Avoid suppressing a fever with medications like Tylenol or Paracetamol unless absolutely necessary. Instead, use blankets, wheat packs, tepid baths, or cool cloths for comfort.
Chiropractic Care: A Crucial Component
At Cherish Chiropractic, we believe that chiropractic adjustments can play a significant role in supporting your immune system. Research suggests that spinal adjustments may enhance immune function by improving nervous system communication. Regular chiropractic care can reduce stress on the body, ensuring your immune system operates optimally.
Applied Kinesiology and Functional Medicine
Utilizing applied kinesiology muscle testing, we can identify nutrient deficiencies and imbalances that weaken your immune response. Functional medicine approaches, including comprehensive gut health stool testing, and nutrient testing can also allow for targeted nutrient and supplement support, which can significantly bolster your body’s defenses.
Additional Tips for Immune Support
Regular Exercise: Moderate exercise boosts immune function.
Manage Stress: Techniques like meditation, yoga, and chiropractic adjustments can help manage stress effectively.
Gut Health: A healthy gut flora is vital for a robust immune system. Probiotics and a balanced diet high in fibre support gut health. Avoiding known food sensitivities, commonly gluten and dairy, can also be of benefit. Secretory IgA or sIgA is our first line of defense against invaders in the mucus membranes of our throat and gut lining. Zinc, vitamin A, immunoglobulins, choline, glutathione, vitamin C, essential fatty acids, protein and glutamine can all help support sIgA production.
Adequate Vitamin D Levels: Ensure you get enough sunlight or take supplements if needed. The medical system largely considers levels above 50 nmol/l to be adequate. However, from a functional medicine perspective, the optimal 25 hydroxy vitamin D3 level is 100 to 150 nmol/L.
Hydrate and Nourish: Keep hydrated and consume nutrient-dense foods.
At Cherish Chiropractic, we advocate for a holistic approach to health, integrating chiropractic care, applied kinesiology, and functional medicine to enhance your gut, nervous system and immune function. By understanding the nuances of infections and adopting practices that support a healthy immune system, you can reduce your susceptibility to illnesses and enjoy a healthier life.
For more personalized care plans and information on boosting your immune system, visit Cherish Chiropractic. Let’s work together to ensure your body is well-equipped to fend off infections naturally and effectively.
Want to learn more about applied kinesiology? Head here.
Want to check out some of the specialised functional medicine laboratory tests available check out our testing page here.